분류 전체보기 485

Zhang(2008), Xudong, Postsocialism and Cultural Politics: China in the Last Decade of the Twentieth Century

Zhang(2008), Xudong, Postsocialism and Cultural Politics: China in the Last Decade of the Twentieth Century, Duke University Press. acknowledgments introduction: the cultural politics of postsocialism part 1intellectual discourse: national and global determinations 1.the return of the political: the making of the post-tiananmen intellectual field 2.nationalism, mass culture, and intellectual st..

English 2010.04.09

Zhang, Zhen, ed., The Urban Generation-Chinese Cinema and Society at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century(2007)

Zhang, Zhen, ed., The Urban Generation-Chinese Cinema and Society at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century, Duke University Press, Durham and London, 2007. acknowledge introduction: bearing witness: Chinese urban cinema in the era of transformation(zhuanxing)/ Zhang, Zhen 1.ideology, film practice and the market 0.rebel without a cause? china's new urban generation and postsocialist filmmaking/ ..

English 2010.04.09

66) 동아시아인의 정체성 형성, 장애와 출구- 비판적 동아시아담론을 중심

문화/과학 2010년 봄호 (통권61호), 2010. 3 pp. 275~298 (24 pages) http://www.dbpia.co.kr/view/ar_view.asp?start_page=1&end_page=10&view_flag=1&code1=&code2=&code2name=&code3=&code3name=&code4=&code4name=&code5=&code5name=&code7=&code7name=&code8=&issn=&isbn=&date=&uciYN=&auExact=&order_field=art_yymmdd&order_flag=DESC&max_cnt=10&case_fld=&field_r=&rquery=&field=v_F0&query=%EC%9E%84%EC%..

연구논문 2010.04.07